App WADSACK - transmission of various fiduciary documents

With the app "WADSACK" you can communicate with us easily and securely. You can conveniently exchange documents with WADSACK at any time. You photograph the document with your smartphone and send it to us directly with the app. Furthermore, a chat function is available, with which you can get in contact with us.

Here's how it works:

You can search and install the free app in the App Store under "WADSACK". Then please register and we will send you a personal security pin, which you can enter in the input field. Once you are logged in, enter the code from your fiduciary. For WADSACK Solothurn please use code 11. WADSACK Zug is defined with code 6300. When photographing documents, please ensure that the image quality is good.

App SNAP.SHARE - transmission of tax documents

With the app "SNAP.SHARE" documents for the tax return are photographed and forwarded directly to us. The scanned paper documents can be processed using automatic perspective image rectification. The high image resolution ensures maximum readability.

This app provides an interface to the software we use to prepare your tax return. This significantly increases efficiency, especially when filing tax returns electronically. Please also read the article "Online completion and submission of tax returns" from 25th January 2020 on our website.

Here's how it works:

SNAP.SHARE is offered free of charge in the App Store. After successfully downloading the app, you will be prompted to scan a QR code. Please contact us for this purpose. We will then send you your personal QR code by email. You can now begin to photograph the documents.

Please photograph all documents per category (see "Categories") one after the other and then press the "Save" button and then "Send document". You can then perform this procedure for each category. We thus receive all documents per category combined in one PDF, which makes it much easier to submit the documents electronically. Please make sure that the image quality is good so that the document is perfectly readable.


Income Debts    
Securities Donations    
Professional expenses Assets (Vehicle, life insurance, etc.)    
Medical expenses Real estate    
Insurance premiums Expenses for children / maintenance contributions    

Further information

Roger Schärli is available to answer your questions at 041 710 21 75 or roger.schaerli(at)