Fiduciary services by sector

Each industry and professional group requires specific knowledge of regulatory requirements and economic conditions. We have many years of experience and industry-specific expertise in the following sectors:

Doctors - group practices

There are various forms of cooperation between several doctors. Whether organised as a public limited company or as a group in a cost cooperation of independent doctors, we would be pleased to show you the advantages and disadvantages of the respective organisational forms and support you in finding the right solution for you.

Particularly in connection with succession arrangements, questions arise about the structure of entries and exits and the associated compensation claims.

Lawyers - office sharing

The cooperation of several lawyers can be organised in the form of a joint stock company or as a group of independent lawyers. We would be happy to show you the advantages and disadvantages of the respective organisational forms and support you in finding the right solution for you.

Particularly in connection with succession arrangements, questions arise about the structure of entries and exits and the associated compensation claims.

Crafts - craftsmen

The question of the ideal company form often arises in crafts and concerning craftsmen. We point out the advantages and disadvantages of legal entities compared to sole proprietorships and partnerships, especially with regard to tax consequences.

It is not uncommon for real estate to be included in business or fixed assets. In the context of succession planning, it is advisable to examine options such as removing the properties from the company's assets.

Real estate

If several properties are held as private assets, the question of commercial ownership often arises. If real estate held in private assets is managed commercially (so-called "real estate dealers"), the tax authorities may conclude that the person is self-employed, with consequences for the tax and social security treatment of the properties concerned.

A transfer of real estate from private assets to a legal entity can, under certain circumstances, be tax-free and represent a sensible alternative to self-employment.

The development and subsequent sale of real estate by legal entities can be tax-demanding, especially if the legal entity is taxable in different cantons. In addition, the option portion must be calculated carefully and correctly in the event of any VAT optimisation.


Companies that hold crypto-currencies must include them in their accounting. Due to the large fluctuations in value, these must be valued and reported in the balance sheet as of a specific reporting date. In addition, regulatory requirements often have to be met.

Crypto-currencies and digital assets held as private assets must be declared in the annual tax return. Under certain circumstances, capital gains are subject to taxation according to the analogous criteria of a professional securities dealer.


Companies that trade in raw materials and goods need a functioning controlling system. It is essential that the profitability of individual trading operations can be correctly tracked. It is therefore important to carefully set up and plan the accounting right from the start in order to make the required key figures easily and quickly available.  

Community - public administration

The revised harmonised accounting model (HRM 2) for public administrations has been mandatory for the municipalities of the canton of Solothurn since 1st January 2016. The new principles are increasingly adjusted to private sector accounting standards. At a later date (probably 2021), the transfer of the annual accounts of the church and civil communities will also follow the provisions of HRM 2.

We have the licences and qualifications required by the municipal law and have many years of auditing experience in the field of public administration. We offer an audit of the annual financial statements according to the latest auditing methods and thus ensure that the audit can be carried out efficiently.

In addition, our consulting services also cover topics such as the plausibility check of financial plans and budgets. We will also support you in the introduction of the internal control system (ICS), which is expected to be mandatory as of 1st January 2018.